民营公司 少于50人 医疗设备/器械 仪器仪表/工业自动化
民营公司 少于50人 医疗设备/器械 仪器仪表/工业自动化
瓜藤科技是一家专注于POCT检验解决方案的研发型企业,致力于将硬件、软件和人工智能应用于医疗的检验、诊断、治疗及康复等各环节。 我们是一个年轻有活力、并富有医疗产品开发经验的团队,从便携式手持的体外诊断到体征参数检测产品,从原型设计到工程化量产,掌握了丰富的know how经验,为合作伙伴加速整个项目进程,缩短TMT,抢占市场。 我们的POCT检验解决方案将从仪器入手,扩展到标准化的耗材产品,并利用互联网和云计算的技术,挖掘人类健康数据的宝贵价值。比如:区域疾病监控、慢病管理和家庭医生诊疗。 与优秀的团队一起成长,在稳健的行业一起拼搏,期待同样优秀的你! GuaTengTech is a research and development company focused on POCT clinical testing solutions, dedicated to the hardware, software and artificial intelligence used in clinical testing, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation and other processes. We are a team of young and energetic and are full of experience in the development of medical products, from portable hand-held in vitro diagnostic to human sign parameter detection products, from prototyping to engineering mass production, mastered the rich experience of how to accelerate the whole of the partners' project process, shorten TMT, to seize the market. GuaTengTech’s POCT clinical testing solution will expand from the instrument to the standardization of test strip, and use the Internet and cloud computing technology to dig the important value of human health data. For example: regional disease surveillance, chronic disease management and family doctor treatment. With the excellent team to grow together, in the steady industry with hard work, looking forward to the same excellent you! Join us!